Monthly Archives: March 2012

Independence Hall is complete!

And boy does she look great.  As you all know by now Superior Scaffold got the opportunity of a lifetime to provide the system scaffold and scrim on the historic structure.  And now she’s ready for her close up.  I did notice a few spots that are waiting for some custom carpentry but for the most part she is back to her former glory.

I won’t bore you with details – just have a look.


Congratulations to everyone involved with the Independence Hall renovation.  She looks great!


Superior Scaffold helps with the renovation of M. Night Shyamalan’s Old House

Okay – now I know you are probably asking yourself why on earth are we blogging about this?  And you have a point – but when you see the scope of the renovation that Ray Starzman and Chase Building Group undertook for this exterior re-invention, you will understand.  Just look at the pictures.


Not only did Superior Scaffold provide the many system scaffolds all around the residence, but they also did an entire enclosure on the house while the work was going on!  This kept the debris trapped and the workers very happy during the cold winter months.  It also provided a nice barrier for the owners, who inhabited the house the entire time.

Superior used a custom designed system scaffold to give the workers maximum stability and protection while working on the renovation.  They were required to access the three stories from the ground level all the way to the roof.  This section here is the 3 stories above the garage.


Even though it’s not your typical industrial scaffolding job it’s still a challenge to build the best system possible.  Here is a picture (from the back) of what the rest of the house will look like once the renovations are complete.  This section already underwent a re-facing.  When all of the landscaping is finished, this house will be a real stunner.

It should be an incredible looking house, once completed.  We will follow up with some pictures of the completed project.  So now you can say, “hey, I saw the famous movie director, M. Night Shymalan’s old house!”  It just goes to show, now matter how large or small, industrial or residential, Superior Scaffold can deliver the goods.

Scaffold and Access Industry Magazine prints article about Superior and Our Lady of Lourdes

Superior Scaffold is in the center of the latest issue of Scaffold & Access Industry Magazine for the work we did on Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center.  As we blogged before, it was all about how we secured the beloved statue on top of the building after the earthquake.  Props go out to Gina Kellogg of SAIM – she did a great job!

You can read the article here:  Scaffold Industry Magazine


Scaffold Industry Magazine